Keep Your Child Safe From Sexual Predators.
The Swimsuit Lesson is a powerful family resource introducing a simple, yet powerful way for parents to educate their children about the danger of sexual abuse.

1 of 4 girls and 1 of 6 boys
will be sexually abused by the age of 18.
How can you protect your child from
becoming a statistic?
“As a father of six children, I know our world can be a scary place to raise
young kids.”
-Jon Holsten
Author, The Swimsuit Lesson
Jon wrote The Swimsuit Lesson so no parent regrets avoiding the topic of sexual abuse with their child.
About Jon Holsten:
Author Jon Holsten is a retired Colorado police sergeant. As a detective in his agency’s Crimes Against Persons Unit, Jon investigated and helped prosecute dozens of child sexual assault cases. Jon has been featured on numerous local and national media outlets, including ABC’s Good Morning America. Through his writing and speaking to groups, the married father of six children demonstrates a passion for helping parents protect their children from sexual predators.
What Parents and Educators Have to Say:
“I buy ten of these at a time to help young Moms address this very needed discussion with their children. It’s the best I’ve seen on the topic.”
“I’ve read this book to hundreds of children. They wait for the next page in anticipation. The message is the best I’ve seen in 18 years as a Child Sexual Abuse prevention instructor.”
“Super well written with lovely illustrations. Well-balanced to make a child aware of circumstances without causing undue stress.”
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Order The Swimsuit Lesson
Prepare to Teach Your Children With Our Parent’s Guide
The Swimsuit Lesson contains a parental guide to help parents feel prepared to teach their children about the danger of sexual predators.
Read and Discuss the Swimsuit Lesson With Your Kids
Help your kids learn the boundaries of physical touch, and how to talk about uncomfortable situations
Sexual Predators Do Not Want
This Book In Your Home.
With this beautifully illustrated story book, which includes a step-by-step parents’ guide, Author Jon Holsten provides a realistic view of the danger sexual predators impose upon children, and specifically what parents can do to reduce chances of their child being victimized.